Home of Come Alive.

Please don’t call me a coach.

I’m Michael. I’m a Professional Awakener.

What is that?

I’m someone who awakens people to their dormant emotions so they can come into their authentic power and lead.

I give people from all walks of life an emotional experience they’ve never had before.

A lot of the people yell at me, “Give me something new.”

So I do. I give them myself. I bare myself.

This isn’t therapy. I don’t hide my life from you. This isn’t the precious ‘wait ten years for transference to kick in’ and you pay co-pay after co-pay.

This is the opposite of precious and cerebral talk therapy.

This is primal Awakening.

I used to be told “No one wants to hear about you. They only want to hear about what you’ll do for them.” Now no one says that to me because the people who hire me do so because they know I lived a wild life.

I know what pain is. More importantly, I am an alchemist who turned his pain into gold and can show anyone willing to face their darkness how to do the same.

I’m butch. Femme. I’m corporate. I’m punk rock. I’m radical. I’m conservative. I’m erratic. I swear. I’m emotional. I’m in my late-50s and work with people younger, and especially older who are tired of hearing the same old shit about transformation. One more book. One more course.

I’m the wild card.

I’ve had the tremendous honor to Awaken hundreds of people over a few decades. I work with people running companies, and those being run by companies. I like people who are challenging. Tough nuts to crack.

I’m sexually fluid, and yet I mostly identity as gay. I’ve lived on both sides of the coin.

I don’t have credentials after my name, because my life is my credentials. Just because someone has a Ph.D. after their name doesn’t mean they’re any good. Matter of fact, many of them are so cerebral they wouldn’t know a real emotion if it bit them in their own ass.

I spar. I’m loud. Lived for over 3-decades in New York City working in the trenches of corporate finance, education, and entertainment, and am now based out of Los Angeles.

I've seen what really happens behind closed doors. I know how powerful people live. I know what people are really like when the cameras stop rolling.

If we aren’t the same person in front of, and behind closed doors, then we’re failing as a leader and failing ourselves.

I was abused, homeless, a child prostitute. Why am I telling you this? Not to shock, but to provoke you. I have ADHD and need constant provoking to stay interested. Many leaders are the same.

My horrific and beautiful past served me up with the feverish desire to heal and become whole. I traveled the world to find answers. And what I found is the answer is a sustained feeling we are in charge of throttling.

Or we throttle others. Mostly ourselves.

I’m the guy who works with that person that scares everyone. Most brilliant people are messy. Messy turns me on because messy people, who learn to tame their egos, are transcendent.

I’m Michael C. Bryan. Nice to meet you.


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